Thursday, October 8, 2009

Slouchy Beret

Yes, the gray alpaca/silk had been transformed into a slouchy beret!

The same fate was intended for the maroon merino, sadly the man at the yarn store told me to use much bulkier yarn than I should have. The hat is huge! Even after I felted it, it needs a larger head than mine to cover.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


After leaving my needles untouched for about 15 years, I've been enjoying the comfort of soft yarns and mt couch. What am I making?

I'll post more tomorrow. . .

FNO Thrill!

Fashion's Night Out gave me quite the thrill. Not only did I snag one of the limited edition re-released Rosette dresses at the 3.1 Plillip Lim boutique, but I met the genius himself! Thanks to one of my well prepared companions I got my hands on a sharpie and both Phillip and Irina signed the inside of my Spring '09 Phillip Lim jacket!

Dress Progress

Wow, I've been slacking with my posts!

Here is the dress I was working on for Fashion's Night Out. I ended up not finishing and wearing it due to the cold temperatures predicted for the evening. I'm glad I bundled up!

I have to try and work the deep purple taffeta into the asymmetrical neck. There will definitely be some pipping, but I think there may need to be a little something else too. . .